Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So, I too have been tagged. The culpret was Donna. I have a tough time with listing these items for I tend to share everything about me with my friends and family, often more than they wish to know :)

Here goes:

1. My favorite time of day is bedtime. I often get so excited about cuddling up under the covers with no little ones hanging on me that I can't fall asleep.

2. I just started attempting to learn the guitar, for the second time, yesterday.

3. I have a love/hate relationship with jumping into the middle of a lake. I love to do it but then once I'm in I get scared that a large fish is going to bite my bottom side.

4. I'm addicted to my computer.

5. I'm addicted to reality TV.


Kristin...if you ever read this

Tag, your it. And for those of you that have already been tagged, sorry, I didn't know if there were tag-backs or not. Your the only people I know that are on blogs.


Cristina said...

I hear you on the fear of big fish. I used to have nightmares about crockodiles and sharks... how do you forget them, even as an 'adult' (are we adults yet?).

Heather said...

So I alreay knew the bedtime thing, as I often remember freshman and sophomore year how excited you would get when it was time for bed, and I would put on shows for you with my stuffed animals.:)

Cristina said...

I saw your mom today!