Friday, January 20, 2006

Typing one handed

This trick is not as fun as riding a bike one handed on a suuny spring afternoon. Typing one handed means that I have a heavy 7-month old boy in my other hand/arm who refuses to sleep anywhere but on me. I know, some of you would love to cuddle up with a baby and relax. I do love it from time to time but not when it's for every nap. AHHHH. Jonas, my 7-month old has broncitis and an ear infection so my week has been lacking lots of sleep. I can safely say at least 1.5 nights have past without me sleeping. Oh, but it's all worth it. I knew this is what it was like and I still decided to go forth with having a 2nd child and I'll probably forget all the misery and decide to have number 3 and possibly 4.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So, I too have been tagged. The culpret was Donna. I have a tough time with listing these items for I tend to share everything about me with my friends and family, often more than they wish to know :)

Here goes:

1. My favorite time of day is bedtime. I often get so excited about cuddling up under the covers with no little ones hanging on me that I can't fall asleep.

2. I just started attempting to learn the guitar, for the second time, yesterday.

3. I have a love/hate relationship with jumping into the middle of a lake. I love to do it but then once I'm in I get scared that a large fish is going to bite my bottom side.

4. I'm addicted to my computer.

5. I'm addicted to reality TV.


Kristin...if you ever read this

Tag, your it. And for those of you that have already been tagged, sorry, I didn't know if there were tag-backs or not. Your the only people I know that are on blogs.

Monday, January 09, 2006

So, you know your life is changed when you can't find any pictures of yourself or your husband to post but you have endless pictures of your children.

Life here is pretty good. I stay home with my kids and take care of my sisters 11 month old boy. I'm busy with duties at our small country church. My brother was in a bad accident in August and his recovery keeps my mind pretty occupied. You can learn more about that at go to visit a site and enter petergrahn. I update this website regularly.

David is working for Bobcat in Litchfield, MN and he is enjoying that challenge.

Life is hard at times, which we've learn this past year but during difficult times it seems easier to notice the beauty of life and love.

Hannah helping with frosting!


Jonas (5 months) & Hannah (3 years)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

So, I've decided to your the blogging world. I will update with pics. and a longer message later.